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Study Day – Maritime Archaeology of the Solent and surrounding areas from the Stone Age to the 20th Century: Saturday 22 June 10 am to 4.30pm, Avenue Hall

From Southampton City Council’s ‘Culture Vulture’: 17/05/24.


“Saturday 22 June 2024 10.00am to 4.30pm
Avenue Hall, St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, SO17 1XQ

£21 to members, £25 non-members, £15 f/t students and under 18s

Maritime archaeologists have discovered submerged settlements and shipwrecks in the Solent and surrounding area, providing important information about past lives and ship construction. Speakers will cover the maritime history of our area from the Mesolithic era to the Second World War.

For more information and to book email southamptonarchaeology@gmail.com.”


Here is the booking form:


All info courtesy of the Southampton Archaeology Society.