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Man sitting every day on bench asking for ‘change’ – beside Cranford Way / Highfield Lane

Reported to WhatsApp Group 24/06/24:

Man sitting every day for a few hours on a bench beside Cranford Way, off Highfield Lane, with his bike. He asks every passerby if they have any ‘change’ (parents are always accompanied with children and he is only interested in what the parents can offer). There appear to be some cans with him which are left. Also, he says he’d like some cigarettes ‘smokes’ if you’re passing, on either side of the road, too. He also crosses Highfield Lane to ask likely victims and he hangs around inside Highfield Church.

Not very nice for children (and parents) walking by, given that it’s the main route to/from Highfield School.

Advice sought by NCJ and received from PC Adam O’Neill. Cllr Barbour provided more info on the man’s situation after chat. NCJ sought advice: Cllr Finn informed Community Safety Wardens and Cllr Savage contacted/consults the police.