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Tiles smashed of one of their bug hotels – Portswood Rec

Smashing done by young kids. When asked to stop, they doubled back and just carried on! Reported to WhatsApp Group on 25/06/24. Recent incidents. Encouraged to report to the Police.
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School age boys ringing door bells and then running away – Highfield Lane

Reported to WhatsApp Group on 25/06/24. Recent incidents Encouraged to report to the Police.
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Car break-in – Furzedown Road

Around 4.30am on Sunday 23 June 2024. Video taken by a neighbour who saw the person walking along the road checking other car doors. A man with a bike. Encouraged to report to the Police.
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The University of Southampton Students’ Union (SUSU) are holding hustings for the Southampton Test Constituency (which includes Portswood and Highfield), this Wednesday 26 June at 5pm!

NB To find out which constituency you live in, put your home postcode into this website: https://members.parliament.uk/constituencies For security reasons, SUSU are asking people to register on their website to attend. Attendance is by ticket only. We understand from them that this should take less than a minute and is free. For ticket registration on the SUSU website, click on the link below:...
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Treepit near Waitrose gets a makeover from OARA Greening Group using plants donated by Waitrose

Looks nice – well done! Courtesy of OARA, one of our sister residents’ associations Outer Avenue Residents’ Association – OARA     
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Previously ‘Peter Rhodes Books’

Now the Bookshop Alehouse in Portswood Road. Courtesy of: Bevois Mount History Southampton By Ann Ridley. Now,of course, the Bookshop The Bookshop Alehouse.
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Man sitting every day on bench asking for ‘change’ – beside Cranford Way / Highfield Lane

Reported to WhatsApp Group 24/06/24: Man sitting every day for a few hours on a bench beside Cranford Way, off Highfield Lane, with his bike. He asks every passerby if they have any ‘change’ (parents are always accompanied with children and he is only interested in what the parents can offer). There appear to be some cans with him which are left. Also, he says he’d like some...
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Buckingham Court, Westwood Road – two cars broken into

Shared by HonSec: Happened on night of 23/24 June 2024. It is thought the cars might have been left unlocked but not certain. There was no damaged entry. The suspect might have been disturbed, inadvertently, this morning at 7.20am when the person reporting this was going out. The suspect was a young man on a bike. Encouraged to report.
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