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Why reporting crimes and anti-social behaviour incidents to the police is so important

One of our representatives, a former Police Officer, has given some advice to the WhatsApp Group on the importance of reporting:   There is an offence of tampering with a motor vehicle. Just because nothing was worth stealing doesn’t make a difference; similar to that of burglary. 10 cars may be tampered with before the 11th one has something worth stealing. If the tampering is...
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Car door left open – Highfield Crescent

Car door found left open yesterday, 28/01/24, at 9.30am on Highfield Crescent. Nothing taken.
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Free lunchtime concerts at the Turner Sims Concert Hall from now (29/01/24) until April 2024

All info below courtesy of the Turner Sims Concert Hall: https://www.turnersims.co.uk/events/ The University of Southampton Music Department are presenting some free lunchtime concerts at the Turner Sims Concert Hall on the Highfield campus from now to end of April. Entrance is FREE and all are welcome. All audience members MUST book a ticket. The next one is on Monday 5th February at 1 pm in...
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Two people trying car doors and looking around drives – Welbeck Avenue

At 4am on Sunday 28 January 2024. Caught on camera. No report of anything stolen.
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Courtesy of Southampton Police on Facebook: Some steps you can take to protect your vehicle and your property

  Info below – courtesy of   Southampton Police on Facebook, Friday 12 January 2024 “Hello everyone, …………..We just wanted to remind you of some crime prevention advice following an increase in reports of thefts from vehicles recently, particularly in the north of the city. Some steps you can take to protect your vehicle and your property: . It sounds obvious,...
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Wolf Moon on Southampton Common at 7.15am, yesterday early morning, Friday 26 January 2024. Photo by HRA HonSec Barbara Claridge

See the origins of Wolf Moon below, also by Barbara Claridge:   Howling Wolves in January January’s full moon is known as the Wolf Moon, after active wolves during the early parts of the year. The name is thought to have a Celtic and Old English origin, brought over to North America by European settlers. Other Celtic names for the Full Moon include Stay Home Moon and Quiet Moon, while...
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An increase in thefts from vehicles or vehicles broken into in our area (26/01/24)

We have recently had thefts from vehicles or vehicles broken into in our area, and most recently several in Highfield Lane. This appears to be a problem across Southampton. We understand that the police are targeting affected areas and they have provided some useful crime prevention measures to protect vehicles & property which are definitely worth a read: Southampton Police on Facebook...
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