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An old print of Portswood House

The old Portswood House. SEE Southampton 17 oFhebaatafrulrSfuaocruy apotsn 1se6oimS:rore4rd1t  · An old print of Portswood House and a map showing its location.
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Cllr Ransom, of one Southampton’s biggest ship builders, living in Hawthorn Cottage on The Common

Councillor John Ransom was one of the biggest ship builders in the town. He lived with his wife in Hawthorn Cottage (now the Urban Wildlife Centre) on the Common. Bevois Mount History Southampton o1t5 FSmebrcuptsaolirednaasy oat ronuiniege1dg0:s47  · Councillor John Ransom was one of the biggest ship builders in the town. He lived with his wife in Hawthorn Cottage (now the Wildlife Centre) on...
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An interesting landmark in Burgess Road marking the location of the former Crown and Sceptre Hotel

An interesting landmark! SEE Southampton YetoaShpstehrrdamrody at omnrtdsso0hrtuoe6:de39  · I am always fascinated as to why it was necessary to have a stone plaque to remember a pub which has been demolished. This stone marks the location of the former Crown and Sceptre Hotel in Burgess Road demolished about ten years ago. I only went in there once and don’t recall that it was in any way...
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St Denys station once had a bookstall!

St Denys Station once had a bookstall! Bevois Mount History Southampton tSponS5soroerhd  · Slightly off our patch, but who would have thought that St Denys Station once had a bookstall?
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The Avenue in the snow a long time ago

Indeed, one person on horseback in the snow..! Bevois Mount History Southampton YfesimttesrSsdapsdyodn atshSol e1curi2e:5ddm3do  · An Avenue picture in keeping with the temperature if not the precipitation.
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Snow along The Avenue -1952

Snow along The Avenue – 1952 Bevois Mount History Southampton YetsStueproday nscctfraaShutnce mno0r9a:e3de5fn  · The Avenue in 1952.
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January/February 2021 Planning Report

January February 2021 HRA Planning Report
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Close up view of a tram at the top of The Avenue

Good close up view! Bevois Mount History Southampton 31tmtm nSJctaphnouaroiynscore afnht d1rs0oh:1o8eie  · A tram at the top of the Avenue.
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