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July 2019 Planning Report

Please click on the link below: HRA planning applications July 2019 Sheet
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Agenda: 43rd HRA AGM: 7.30 pm, 11th April 2019 at the Highfield House Hotel

Below is the Agenda for the 43rd HRA AGM which takes place at 7.30 pm, on Thursday 11th April 2019 at the Highfield House Hotel. Agenda HRA 43rd AGM 11 April 2019(1) The Sheiff of Southampton, Cllr Peter Baillie, will introduce the meeting and the  keynote speaker will be Professor Roger Brown who will talk on ‘The Future of Southampton Common’. Please also find the Minutes of the...
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December 2018 Planning Report

PLANNING UPDATE DECEMBER 2018 by Jill Baston, Planning Officer   Update on November report: Applications for 2 Highfield Crescent and 10 Oakmount Avenue were approved. 20-20A Furzedown Road: Two storey side extension to provide 1×3 bedroom house refused. All other applications noted in November still await decision.   December Report 28 Glebe Court 17/02035/FUL Single storey...
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Highfield House Hotel: 119 Highfield Lane, Southampton – Proposed hotel extension to provide additional guest bedrooms

Dear All, HIGHFIELD HOUSE HOTEL-119 Highfield Lane-Southampton-SO17 1AQ Subject: Proposed hotel extension to provide additional guest bedrooms Application summary: As a courtesy to and for all residents associations, forums and local residents in general, the following statement is provided to explain the reasoning and rational for the proposals at this well-established local landmark Hotel ....
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November 2018 Planning Report

PLANNING UPDATES NOVEMBER 2018 – by Jill Baston, Secretary and Planning Officer   Update on October report:   273 Portswood Road (next to Baffi’s) Additional second floor refused.   42 Blenheim Avenue Erection of a 4 bedroom detached dwelling refused.   21 Omdurman Road Appeal against enforcement on unauthorised wall In progress.   Applications for 2 Highfield...
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Reporting in City News (week beginning 8/10/18): New Houses in Multiple Occupancy Scheme

Info courtesy of SCC ‘City News’ New Houses in Multiple Occupancy Scheme “We have introduced a new additional Houses in Multiple occupancy (HMO) licensing scheme covering the Bargate, Bevois, Portswood and Swaythling wards. In addition widened mandatory HMO licensing has also been introduced, which means that all HMOs with five or more persons will require licensing.”...
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September/October 2018 Planning Report

PLANNING UPDATE, OCTOBER 2018 This is not intended to be an exhaustive review of all applications, many of which are routine. It does I hope list items of interest, some for information and some perhaps more contentious. Jill Baston, Planning 273 Portswood Road, (next to Baffi Pizza) 18/01421/FUL Erection of an additional second floor with balcony to front elevation to extend existing...
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