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Latest Report on old Blockbuster site by HRA Secretary and Planning Officer, Jill Baston

Find out the latest developments on the Blockbuster site, Portswood. Click on the link below. blockbuster site
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No 5 Crofton Close – Refusal of Planning Application (June 2017)

No 5 Crofton Close, Planning Application 17/00709/FUL/612.To convert double garages into living accommodation. REFUSAL. June 2017: 17_00709_FUL-REFULZ_-_REFUSAL_OF_FUL-1035355(1)  
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Planning Application 17/00703/FUL: Widening of Lovers’ Walk. HRA Objection

Dear Planning, Please see attached this Association’s objections to this proposed application, plus the two additional appendices. If I may additionally comment as follows, in the interests saving the Council much wasted time, effort and tax payers money, the application proposal conflicts with the Development Plan and there is a more cost effective and feasible alternative scheme, that could...
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Ministerial reply to Caroline Noakes on HMOs: April 2017

Click below: Planning – Ministerial reply to Caroline Noakes Apr. 17(1)
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22 May 2017. HRA Objection to No 5 Crofton Close, SO17 1XB: Planning Application (part retrospective) to convert garages into Family Room/Bedroom. 17/00709/FUL.

2017 05 22 HRA objection 5 Crofton Close May 17(1) Planning – Ministerial reply to Caroline Nokes Apr. 17(1) 17/00709/FUL – 5 CROFTON CLOSE Letter to Southampton City Council Planning Dept – 22 May 2017 You will be aware under the terms of the amended Localism Act 2011 that… “where there is an outstanding Enforcement a Council may decline to determine a retrospective Planning...
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City council adopts new policy on HMO applications

The City Council’s Cabinet has now adopted a revised Supplementary Policy Document on Houses in Multiple Occupation. Changes from the previous version are: The 10% threshold within 40 m or 10+ properties, which previously applied only to the three northern wards, will now apply city-wide as guidance for refusal of an application for conversion to an HMO. (The 20% threshold which previously...
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