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Flytipper – Osborne Road

Cllr John Savage recently advised HRA of some good news! In January, a local resident sent him the original of a video of a man with a white van who was flytipping in Osborne Road car park. As a local councillor, he was able to  chase things up with the flytip team so it could be used in evidence to prosecute. The flytipper has now received a £400 penalty notice!
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Van rifled through – Shaftesbury Avenue

Happened on Sunday 4 March around 7.15am. Likely nothing taken.
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Police and Community Together Meeting (PACT), 6.30pm, Tuesday 27 February 2024, Portswood Church: Notes on handling of CCTV footage, and the community speed gun programme (ncj)

On the panel: Francesca Prior – SCC Community Engagement Manager, Malkeat Singh – Community Engagement Officer, PC Adam O’Neill – Community Engagement & Liaison Officer, Portswood, Swaythling and Bassett Councillors Finn, Savage, Reynard and one Councillor from Bevois Valley were in the ‘audience’.   This is mainly a note of the two questions I raised...
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Scrambler motor bike rider riding at very high speed at 3am – round The Common

Reported to the police and to HRA by a person who lives in Highfield Road. This had previously been a frequent occurrence and has now started up again.
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Response from PC Adam O’Neill re police declining to view/take CCTV footage with clear images of perpetrators in crime/ASB of prowlers round property at night

PC Adam O’Neill is Community Engagement and Liaison Officer for Portswood, Swaythling and Bassett 21 February 2024 “In response to your query about the handling of CCTV footage in relation to ‘low-level’ crimes, I would like to clarify that while there is no blanket policy, our approach is always to investigate every reported crime diligently and offer the best possible...
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Police and Community Together Meeting (PACT): Tuesday 27 February from 6.30pm to 8pm at Portswood Church, Portswood Road

  Or click here: PACT Portswood 27 Feb 2024   Info courtesy of SCC and Hanpshire Constabulary.
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