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Planning Application Refused: 8, Blenheim Gardens, Portswood

The retrospective application for an HMO at 8 Blenheim Gardens has been refused. The reason for refusal was the impact on the character of the local area as follows: The proposed conversion of the property to a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) will result in an excessive concentration of HMOs within the immediate area and will result in an adverse impact on the overall character and amenity of...
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Planning Permission to develop 133 Portswood Road, the old Blockbusters site

Planning Permission was refused at Panel on 6 December 2017.  The main reason for refusal is set out below. There are also technical issues to do with various agreements not yet finalised. Overdevelopment, scale, bulk and massing. The proposed development due to its excessive density, height, bulk and resultant massing in comparison with neighbouring buildings, and overall site coverage results...
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Referral to Appeal under S78 against refusal of a Householder Application:, No 5 Crofton Close, Highfield (4th Appeal!)

Development Management Southampton City Council Ground Floor Civic Centre Southampton SO14 7LS   Please ask for      Anna Lee Our ref:                 17/00024/APFUL                                                                  2nd October 2017   Dear Sir/Madam,   TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 – APPEAL UNDER S78 AGAINST REFUSAL OF A HOUSEHOLDER APPLICATION  ...
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Planning Application 17/00983/FUL, 133 Portswood Road, Southampton

3 August 2017 Anna Lee Planning Southampton City Council   Dear Anna   Application 17/00983/FUL 133 Portswood Road   I am writing on behalf of Highfield Residents’ Association to object to the above planning application.   The height and massing of the proposal are overbearing in the context of the surrounding area. It is out of scale in relationship to Addis Square, and the...
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Non material amendment sought to planning permission 15/01644/FUL, 18 Grosvenor Road, Southampton SO17 1RT

11 July 2017 Anna Coombes Planning Officer Southampton City Council   Dear Anna   17/01112/NMA | Non material amendment sought to planning permission 15/01644/FUL for alterations to parapet and additional window openings for replacement garage. | 18 Grosvenor Road Southampton SO17 1RT   I’m writing on behalf of Highfield Residents’ Association to request that the non material...
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