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Known as Southampton’s Dick Whittington, Richard Andrews (1798-1859) and his wife are buried in Southampton Old Cemetery

Known as Southampton’s Dick Whittington, Richard Andrews (1798-1859), and his wife are buried in the Old Cemetery. Their grave is surmounted by a plain column. There is also a statue of him in East Park. Bevois Mount History Southampton 1tSodga9ponsoruehd  · Richard Andrews (1798-1859) arrived in Southampton with nothing but went on to found his own coach building business and serve as...
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Stag Gates, down the Avenue, were demolished around 1919 because of congestion

Stag Gates, down the Avenue, were demolished around 1919 because of congestion. Bevois Mount History Southampton 14 tNoveminfbceicr raSatuSpdi coi1n2:tlsdohaumred16t  · In November 1912 the Borough Council decided that the congestion at Stag Gates had become a public danger. Nevertheless, it was to be another seven years before they were demolished.
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Highfield Church (or Christ Church Portswood) in 1900

Highfield Church (or Christ Church Portswood) in 1900 when Portswood was a village! Built in 1846/47 and consecrated in 1847. The architect, Joshua Brandon, died before the Church was completed, and is buried in the churchyard. More below. SEE Southampton 8tS NoupuvoembdnercSS agrteuh sno10nrc:c0esgdhr6se  · 1900 Highfield Church, Portswood. Christ Church, Portswood, more often called Highfield...
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Dead from torpedoed HMHS Asturias in WW1 buried in Southampton Old Cemetery

HMHS Asturias was a hospital ship in WW1. She was torpedoed by a German U-boat in 1917 and 35 people died; most of them buried in Southampton Old Cemetery. Bevois Mount History Southampton tSSp8 SohNovemnbesrn scait 0l9dmo:gr0edcoiglhto7m  · HMHS Asturias was a hospital ship during WW1. She visited mainly French and Mediterranean ports, bringing back sick and wounded, often many more than she...
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1968 along The Avenue

Very much a 60s photo! Bevois Mount History Southampton matnelSp5 oNovrembnsneroa rrealmt 1n2:fatier3dgS9  · From the 1968 Southampton handbook.
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Sir Sidney Kimber, who helped shape modern day Southampton, was born in Highfield on 5 November 1873.

Sir Sidney Kimber was born on 5 November 1873, in Highfield. He was Mayor of Southampton from 1918 to 1920 and then made an Alderman. He helped shape modern day Southampton. He was the driving force behind the Civic Centre and also established Southampton Municipal Golf Course – hailed as the best in England. After his marriage, he lived at Oakdene, at the corner of Welbeck Avenue and...
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Fair on The Common – 1910

Lots of activity! SEE Southampton fS2 NdtSpmolfatovnemsboroseSer adit 0e4mo:c4merc1  · Fair on the Common in 1910.
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The Avenue in 1974 with a wonky speed limit sign!

The Avenue in 1974 with a wonky speed limit sign! Bevois Mount History Southampton ts1d nNSovpieeonctgmsiobSenari atc 1rreo6ed:tt4m1  · The Avenue in 1974. Students (?) with long hair in bell bottoms …… memories …… and a wonky speed limit sign.
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