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The Southampton Cemetery Act passed in 1843, enabled the Corporation to establish one of England’s first municipally owned cemeteries – now Southampton Old Cemetery on the Common

By 1833, the population of Southampton had reached approximately 29,000 and burial spaces were a major problem. The Southampton Cemetery Act was passed in 1843, enabling the Corporation to establish one of England’s first municipally owned cemeteries (now Southampton Old Cemetery on the Common). By 1846, a large part of the landscaping had been completed and the first burial took place on...
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The WW1 troop area on Southampton Common

The WW1 troop area on Southampton Common. SEE Southampton tSpu5onsohgrned   · Southampton Common showing WW1 troop area.
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Another era – old photo of University of Southampton

Another era! SEE Southampton YtSiesigpottsnersalsofhdacy eomardt 05:mfided4g9   · I love this photograph as it is so reminiscent of former times. I am not sure what year but going by the scorched grass it must have been a hot summer. The skyline of the University has changed quite considerably since this photograph was taken.
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Some background to the foundation stone of Avenue St Andrews Church Hall

Some background to the foundation stone of Avenue St Andrews church hall. Bevois Mount History Southampton 2 d  · The foundation stone of the Avenue St Andrew’s church hall was laid by Harold of the very influential Lankester family, His mother had laid the foundation stone for the main church building.
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Buried in Southampton Old Cemetery..

Buried in Southampton Old Cemetery, Percival James Ellaway who met his death on hospital ship Essequibo at just 17 years of age, in 1917. SEE Southampton 1 d  · In the Old Cemetery on the Common. Percival James Ellaway met his death on the Hospital Ship Essequibo aged just 17. The Essequibo River is near present day Venezuela and Guyana. There was a former British colony in the region. Built for...
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One of the most recent Commonwealth War Graves in Southampton Old Cemetery – designated last year

A recent one of many Commonwealth War Graves in Southampton Old Cemetery is that of Kate Trodd, a VAD nurse who died of pneumonia at the age of 20 in 1919, although the author suggests that it might have initially been the ‘Spanish flu’. Bevois Mount History Southampton 1 h  · There are many Commonwealth War Graves in the Old Cemetery but this one was only designated as such last...
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A pretty card of The Common from 1911

A pretty card from 1911. Bevois Mount History Southampton 1 d  · This charming postcard of children at the entrance (?) of the Common was sent to an address in Belgium in 1911. It is written by Monique, whose handwriting is hard to decipher but she does say “la ville …….? excellente” so hopefully we can assume that she liked Southampton.
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The Queen visited the University of Southampton in 1966

Highfield Residents’ Association 7 h  · 1966 – certainly another era… SEE Southampton 21 h  · The Queen visited the University of Southampton in 1966.
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