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Clayfield Lodge, at the northerly junction of The Avenue and Banister Road, has some interesting history

Clayfield Lodge, at the northerly junction of The Avenue and Banister Road, has some interesting history. Bevois Mount History Southampton 3 d  · Clayfield stood at the northerly junction of the Avenue and Banister Road and was built by Job Ede – paid for by the compensation he received after the emancipation of his slaves.
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The House of Recovery by Swaythling railway arch…

The House of Recovery by Swaythling railway arch…. SEE Southampton 1 d  · The House of Recovery located at the Grange by Swaythling Railway Arch. This was later moved to Fred Wooley House. Children at the House of Recovery performing an entertainment.
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Remember these?

Remember these? Daily EchoWe grew up in Southampton 3 d  · Crystal Carrington shared pictures of Southampton Balloon Festival and we thought we’d do the same . Do you have pics from the balloon festival? We’d love to see them.
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The garden of Hawthorn Cottage…

The garden of Hawthorn Cottage, now the location of Hawthorns Urban Wildlife Centre. Bevois Mount History Southampton 5 d  · The garden of Hawthorn Cottage which once stood where the Hawtorns Urban Wildlife Centre now stands. Councillor John Ransome (of fountain fame) and his wife are posing for the photo.
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The artesian well on the Common

Plaque for the old artesian well on The Common. The well was started in 1835. SEE Southampton Artesian well plaque on the Common. Work started in 1835 but the well was never very successful. It was capped in 1885 to be replaced by the water works at Oterbourne.
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Shops and cottages on Bevois Hill – long gone…

…and the cars too! Bevois Mount History Southampton   Shops and cottages on Bevois Hill – long gone.
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Does anyone know what T.H. represents in Thackeray Road?

Does anyone know? SEE Southampton 2 d · Anyone know what T. H. represents? Is it Talbot House as in Toc H??
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Alec Bennett motorcyles in Portswood – late 1970s / early 1980s

In response to a query from one of our followers ref when Alec Bennett’s motorcycle business was in Portswood, we have now heard back from SEE Southampton. Thank you SEE Southampton! This is what they say and they also sent us a couple of pictures! “Alec Bennett returned from racing in the 1930s to concentrate on his motorcycle business. He had premises in what was Blockbuster Video....
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