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This was in 1953 on Southampton Common

This was in 1953 on Southampton Common! dailyecho.co.uk ARCHIVE PIC OF THE DAY: Miniature train on Southampton Common THIS was the scene at the fair on Southampton Common during Easter weekend in 1953. The miniature train passengers and driver suggest the weather was not too favourable. Children and their parents donned coats and hats as the small vehicle navigated its way across the...
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One of the few remains of St Denys Priory

This stone arch is from St Denys Priory. SEE Southampton 26 May at 10:41 · One of the few remains of St Denys Priory, is the stone arch now in the garden of Tudor House
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A beautifully detailed sculpture in Southampton Old Cemetery

Yes indeed, a great photo and a beautifully detailed sculpture in Southampton Old Cemetery. Bevois Mount History Southampton 26 May at 08:15 · Great photo taken in the old cemetery by Sue Mansbridge.
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An old image of Lovers’ Walk

Lovers’ Walk. SEE Southampton 26 May at 03:44 · Another image of Lovers’ Walk on the Common. 1 share Comments
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Swaythling railway arch in the 1960s

and an old Morris 1000? SEE Southampton 26 May at 02:51 · A rather blurry image of the Swaythling railway arch from the 1960s.
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The Gothic lodge-house, built in circa 1860, the last remaining building of the Highfield Estate

The Gothic lodge-house, built in circa 1860. The only building left of the Highfield House estate. The map, dated 1898, shows the area before the now houses were built. Secret Southampton 7 hrs · Highfield House was on the east side of the Common and probably built at the end of the 18th century. The estate was sold for development in 1910, but the house was not demolished until 1929 to make way...
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St Edmunds on the Avenue – just the people have changed!

Just the people have changed…. Bevois Mount History Southampton 4 hrs · St Edmunds on the Avenue and members of the congregation.
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The time 1000 horses caused chaos in a stampede at Southampton Common

The time 1,000 horses caused chaos in a stampede at Southampton Common    ON SATURDAY, September 3, 1904, the 8th and 14th Hussars arrived in Southampton in readiness for a large scale military exercise which involved the mock invasion of Essex from the sea. Their arrival caused quite a stir as they set up camp on the common with almost 2,000 horses. The docks too were busy with the arrival of...
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