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Winter scenes from Southampton Memories: People and Places, including a very wintry Furzedown Road.

Southampton Memories: People and Places Two winter scenes for you this morning, Willsteed post-cards showing The Cowherds snd Furzedown Road in Highfield.
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No traffic on this photo posted by Dave Marden in Southampton Memories: People and Places!

Dave MardenSouthampton Memories: People and Places A very rural looking and traffic free Avenue
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Photos of a leave pass and railway ticket with possible connection to Southampton Common

Photos of a leave pass and railway ticket courtesy of Marc Heighway from Southampton History Photos, relating to a possible connection to Southampton Common in 1945. Marc HeighwaySouthampton history photos Joint leave pass and railway ticket belonging to E Fernell of the Allied Expeditionary Force. It’s likely he would have been involved in D-Day. The stamp on the rear shows he must return...
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Interesting image at Southampton Old Cemetery dating from 1900.

 Courtesy of SEE Southampton SEE Southampton This image comes from the Southampton Annual 1900 and shows the view at the old Southampton Cemetery gates. Is that a tomb that has been moved?
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Interesting link of the Dr Barnado ‘Ever Open Door’ to 7, Brookvale Road (courtesy of Jim Dunstan from Southampton History Photos)

Jim DunstanSouthampton history photos On August 11th, 1902, Dr Barnardo opened an ‘Ever Open Door’ receiving house at 128 Above Bar, Southampton. … By 1939, the Ever Open Door was located in a house known as Pevensey at 7 Brookvale Road, Southampton. 0 comments     Add a Donate button Add a donate button to your post to raise money for a charity, and we’ll take...
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The Southampton Show in 1975 on Southampton Common! Courtesy of Bevois Mount History.

Bevois Mount History Southampton i1s7t SeSppgtemonbenfrrln satur 1r3:adu15  · I recently came across these photos which were taken on the Common as part of the Southampton Show in 1975. They were part of an exhibition of 60 years of feminine art and progress at Tate Britain. The photos show scantily dressesd girls pretending to be horses doing dressage. Can anybody suggest what point they were...
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Some history of Taunton’s College, now the site of The University of Southampton’s Avenue Campus

Here is some interesting background and photos about Taunton’s School courtesy of Brian Veck, Southampton History Photos. In 1969, Taunton’s College became a Sixth Form College for boys called Richard Taunton Sixth Form College. It started admitting girls in 1978. In 1989, it merged with Hill College and chose to refurbish and occupy the Hill Lane site. In 1993, the University bought...
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