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Courtesy of Southampton Police on Facebook: Some steps you can take to protect your vehicle and your property

  Info below – courtesy of   Southampton Police on Facebook, Friday 12 January 2024 “Hello everyone, …………..We just wanted to remind you of some crime prevention advice following an increase in reports of thefts from vehicles recently, particularly in the north of the city. Some steps you can take to protect your vehicle and your property: . It sounds obvious,...
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Wolf Moon on Southampton Common at 7.15am, yesterday early morning, Friday 26 January 2024. Photo by HRA HonSec Barbara Claridge

See the origins of Wolf Moon below, also by Barbara Claridge:   Howling Wolves in January January’s full moon is known as the Wolf Moon, after active wolves during the early parts of the year. The name is thought to have a Celtic and Old English origin, brought over to North America by European settlers. Other Celtic names for the Full Moon include Stay Home Moon and Quiet Moon, while...
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An increase in thefts from vehicles or vehicles broken into in our area (26/01/24)

We have recently had thefts from vehicles or vehicles broken into in our area, and most recently several in Highfield Lane. This appears to be a problem across Southampton. We understand that the police are targeting affected areas and they have provided some useful crime prevention measures to protect vehicles & property which are definitely worth a read: Southampton Police on Facebook...
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The Cabinet Decision on Portswood Broadway has been ‘called in’ by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee on 1 February 2024

The Agenda and relevant notice paper have just been published: Call-in of Executive Decision CAB 23/24 43623 – Portswood Broadway Next Steps  PDF 316 KB Agenda: https://www.southampton.gov.uk/moderngov/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=123&MId=7002&Ver=4 Call-in notice:...
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Abandoned bike – Orchards Way

Happened several days’ ago. Neither the police nor the Council are interested.  If anyone knows anyone who has lost this bike, it has been put in a secure garden in Orchards Way.  
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Caraway/Portswood Dementia Action Group programme for week beginning Monday 29 January 2024, for across Southampton!

“WHATS ON THIS WEEK! Brought to you by… Caraway ISSUE #1.12:  26 January 2024 Dear Friends, You can now view our: February 2024 Memory Cafe Programme Advance Notice:  Unpaid Carers Southampton are hosing a coffee morning for those caring for a person with dementia on Tuesday 13th February, 10am – 12pm at Lordshill Community Association, Cromarty Road Lordshill SO16 8LX.  You...
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Three cars broken into – all on Highfield Lane

One car broken into at 3.30am on Thursday 25 January 2024. Smashed front window, nothing taken. Man walked up the path of their house with the car alarm going off but ran down Highfield Lane when all the lights went on. Man 6 foot, slim build. Two others cars broken into in the same way in the last few months.
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