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Crime Incidents & Info

Car window smashed – Oakmount Triangle

Posted by on Jan 11, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

This took place while the car was outside their house  – possibly between 8am and 9am on 11 January 2024.

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Van broken into – Highfield Close

Posted by on Jan 11, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

Took place during night of 10/11 January 2024. Nothing stolen. Incident reported to police. The representative is wondering if it is related to the incidents of night-time prowlers earlier in the week caught on CCTV camera, documented on this site?...

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Suspicious incidents on night of 7/8 January 2024 – Brookvale Road and Highfield Lane

Posted by on Jan 8, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

A resident’s CCTV camera captured two people at 2am walking around the drive/front garden and then crouching for cover when the security lights went on. No other associated incidents in Brookvale Road were reported. A similar incident was...

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Report to Inspector Brian Goodall for Police Liaison Meeting: 1pm, Monday 6 February 2023

Posted by on Feb 6, 2023 in Crime Incidents, Police Liaison Meetings

See Report in the link below: Report to Inspector Brian Goodall on the HRA Crime information sharing WhatsApp Group for Highfield – Updated 5.02.23

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