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Here is the latest concert by the Southampton Philharmonic and Southampton University Philharmonic Choirs – at Romsey Abbey on Saturday 8 June 2024. Many local people involved!

For choral music fans, here is the latest concert by the Southampton Philharmonic and Southampton University Philharmonic Choirs – at Romsey Abbey on Saturday 8 June 2024.

Many local people involved!

Nave, reserved: £20. Note: very few left.
Aisles, North and South: unreserved: £14

Concessions (students and children) half price.

Tickets available from :

Choir via Sandra Bance (07707 619 275, sandra.bance@btinternet.com)

www.ticketsource.co.uk/musicinromsey (etickets issued)

Romsey Visitor Centre 01794 512 987.

Info courtesy of one of the organisers.