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HRA Crime information sharing WhatsApp Group – background and crime incidents

The Group was set up in July 2020 to report and share crime and anti-social behavour information across the HRA boundary area.  It includes road and area representratives and Ward Councillors. Representatives share crime and anti-social behaviour incidents from their own road/area and report back to their own communities incidents that are shared in the Group from elsewhere in the HRA boundary. This is usually via WhatsApp or email networks. This sharing of information has enabled trends in crime to be identified, communities to be alerted and preventative measures encouraged. Reporting of all incidents to the police is greatly encouraged. For non urgent incidents: phone 101 or submit a report via the police website ( https://www.hampshire.police.uk/ro/report ). In an emergency, phone 999.

Check out our crime and info log here: https://www.highfieldresidents.org.uk/crime-incidents/

Warning: the latest incident  – two cars stolen overnight on Monday 22 July.

If you would like to become a representative for your road or area or wish to know who your representative is, please email: highfieldracomms@gmail.com