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Local History

The Albany Hotel which used to be in Winn Road

Posted by on Jun 11, 2021 in Local History

Used to be in Winn Road… Bevois Mount History Southampton The Albany Hotel opened in 1925 as the Stafford House Hotel.

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1624 – the first recorded mention of a house on the current site of the Cowherds

Posted by on May 15, 2021 in Local History

Quite a history. Bevois Mount History Southampton 2tsSuponso1sghrhed  · This day in 1624 saw the first recorded mention of a house on the current site of the Cowherds.

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Prisoners of war in a compound situated near to or where IKEA is now situated

Posted by on May 13, 2021 in Local History

Picture provided by Ken of prisoners of war in a compound situated where or near IKEA is now.

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The first horse drawn tram routes in Southampton ran to Portswood

Posted by on May 5, 2021 in Local History

The first horse drawn tram routes in Southampton (circa 1879) ran between the Floating Bridge and The Avenue and via Stag Gates to Portswood. Info courtesy of SEE Southampton. Marie Keates 7ntSponsohreodh  · On 5 May 1879 the Southampton Tramways...

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The post card says ‘Old Portswood….Nr Southampton’!

Posted by on Apr 30, 2021 in Local History

SEE Southampton chdYretsStnpeugrdolanyg aot fthfi11sgor:ae5doc7  · Portswood Road.

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A historical view of Highfield Lane taken from the Portswood end

Posted by on Apr 30, 2021 in Local History

Courtesy of SEE Southampton. SEE Southampton chdYretsStnpeugrdolanyg aot fthfi11sgor:ae5doc5  · Highfield Lane and church.

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The old Highfield Hotel

Posted by on Apr 28, 2021 in Local History

Highfield Hotel was bombed in WW2 and rebuilt set back from road. SEE Southampton YmeSsterday aotSotffSrf 0o6p:oihoanoSsforge4dn7h  · The Highfield Hotel in Highfield Lane.

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An old picture of Highfield Lane looking towards the church

Posted by on Apr 27, 2021 in Local History

Thanks SEE Southampton for the Highfield views this morning. SEE Southampton 14 h  · Highfield Lane looking west towards the church.

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Early 20th century scene in Highfield Lane

Posted by on Apr 27, 2021 in Local History

SEE Southampton Early 20th century scene in Highfield Lane. Courtesy of SEE Southampton

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A busy day on The Common, August 1910.

Posted by on Apr 19, 2021 in Local History

Courtesy of Keith Willsher, Southampton history photos Keith Willsher Southampton history photos 1tgos5 SsspfAonprSsgoiersl rfatnr 16a:s50eand  · A busy day at the lake on the common august 1910

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