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Southampton University Brass Band (SUBB) and Woodfalls Band are joining forces for a concert at 4pm this Saturday, June 8th at the Turner Sims Concert Hall!

All info below courtesy of SUBB!
SUBB recently clinched 2nd place in the Shield Section of the National University Brass Band Championships (Unibrass), with their sea-themed set commemorating the 200-year anniversary of the RNLI.
Renowned as one of the top brass bands in the South of England, Woodfalls Band recently claimed 3rd place in the Championship section of the West of England Regional Contest in March.
Both bands will perform their own 35-minute set, which includes original brass band works, as well as arrangements of popular music. There will be a range of soloists on show throughout the afternoon. To close, the bands will join forces to form a massed band of over 60 players to perform an amazing 3-piece finale.
Date & Time: Saturday 8th June 4pm
Venue: Turner Sims Southampton, SO17 1BJ
Tickets: https://www.turnersims.co.uk/…/woodfalls-band…/ (or search for them on the Turner Sims website)
More in the poster below!