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The Southampton Common and Parks Protection Society (SCAPPS) would like to invite all Southampton Parks Friends and associated groups to their AGM next week, on 3rd June at 7pm

Venue: the Isaac Watts Church, Winchester Road. There is car parking on Luccombe Road. The AGM papers are in the link below.

SCAPPS is a long-standing group with an interest in all the city’s parks and open spaces, trying to protect them from development by attending planning panel meetings etc. You may or may not have previously worked together, but they would like to renew any contacts, collaborate and share information with anyone interested in protecting our parks and open spaces. Please also see their current newsletter – in the link below.

If you have any questions, you can get in touch directly with SCAPPS via enquiries.scapps@gmail.com.

All above info courtesy of SCAPPS.